January’s Best Seller! – Satisfyer Pro 2

Follow New Zealand sex blogs or podcasts? You'll have heard about Satisfyer Pro 2.

Rated R Collection – My toy Story!

Tabu are stocking my whole Rated R collection!

December’s Best Seller!

The most popular Sex Toy in New Zealand for December!

November’s Best Seller!

The Mini is a great point from which to start your anal journey.

September’s Best Seller!

if you are a little bored of your bullet, give Womanizer a go.

What are Bodystockings?

you can have sex without taking it off.

How Do I Last Longer in Bed?

I am going to tell you about a couple of reliable and easy to use

August’s Best Seller!

It has near-silent running, so can be operated in public by a partner, and nobody

Food Fetish? Super Size Me!

Kate is just left in a naked sticky mess (and not in a good way!)

How Do I Know if BDSM is for Me?

I hope after reading my thoughts and experiences you will be closer to deciding whether