Bullets – Precision Guided Pleasure

Bullets Precision Guided Pleasure

Bullets for Her Pleasure

Ever since the invention and mass production of vibrating sex toys, bullets have been amongst the most popular models. They pack the powerful punch that women crave in a small and easy to handle unit. Unlike larger toys, which are designed to penetrate, a bullet specifically targets the clitoris, pin-pointing stimulation where it is appreciated the most.

Whether you are looking for a perfect accompaniment for your solo fun, or want to hand it over to your lover to control your ecstasy, a bullet is many women’s weapon of choice for achieving clitoral orgasms.

Bullets of all types
Bullets of all shapes and sizes

The vast majority of women enjoy clitoral stimulation with most being able to climax from external masturbation. Using a bullet accelerates the pleasure by stimulating the nerve endings more intensely. There are many different bullet styles and models to choose from. Outlined below are some of the most popular, with a short guide to each.

Satisfyer Rechargeable Bullets

Coming in a fun range of shapes, colours and textures Satisfyer, who are best known for their Air Pulse toys such as the SP2, make some amazing mini vibrators. From the soft Waffle-like model through to the pinpoint toy, they aim to please every taste. All of these styles have plenty of power and long battery life.

Of those with a metallic finish, the short Silver bullet is the only rechargeable toy. It is 6 cm long with 3 speeds of vibration. The Crystal Bullet and the Rocket offer similar performance, but require a battery. These options do come at a lower price point though.

Further Reading

If you’d like to read in more depth about self play and the benefits, our Why Self-Pleasure article by Gia Joy is a real eye-opener. And, if bullets aren’t powerful enough for you, maybe a wand could be just the thing?